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An essay about a social world Free Essays

An essay about a social network Faceable is one of the most important social network today, and one of the most popular sites from the internet. Social network sites (Sons) were always popular and people seemed to be attracted by the idea of creating a profile where they can put information about them and keep in contact with their friends, or even look for dates, jobs and many others. But with Faceable, the idea of a social network site became much more important, because it grew so big that it became a link that people accessed every day, and in a way or another, it is an important thing in many people lives. We will write a custom essay sample on An essay about a social world or any similar topic only for you Order Now It all started with the young Mark Seersucker and his college roommates. In the beginning it was called Faces, which was comparable to Hot or Not, a website where Harvard’s students could vote between two pictures Of girls from college, deciding which one was hotter. The site was created with the help of hacking, and this was the reason why it was shut down. After this failure, Mark tried a new site that was called tablecloth. Mom, but he was caused of stealing the idea from three Harvard seniors, Cameron Winkles, Divvy Narrated and Tyler Winkles, who asked him to help them create Harmoniousness’s com that was based on a similar idea as Faceable. This led to a lawsuit that became huge and created a lot of problems with time. But still, nothing stopped the growing of Faceable. Soon, it was opened to other big colleges and even then it was easily noticeable that the site had something extremely addictive. In 2005, Mark launched a high-school version of Faceable and soon a fter that the membership was expanded to employees of several companies. Faceable was officially opened to everyone of age 13 and older with a valid email address. The value of the site constantly grew and most of the important companies wanted a share of it. The number of people that had a Faceable profile increased shockingly. If in august 2008 there were 100 million users, and this year in September there were 800 million, a number that is actually almost unbelievable. It even seems that this website can easily become the most important â€Å"list’ of people in the world, a huge contact book of almost everybody that lives in civilization. One of the most important things that Faceable did, was the fact that they asked their users to use their real name, and for the internet that was a big deal. Before Faceable, most people that accessed the World Wide Web were anonymous, and many of them enjoyed it. People could say anything and be anyone on the internet, and even if it was fun and interesting to be whoever you wanted online, in many ways it was dangerous. It is not healthy, especially for children to be able to be and say anything on the internet, because in a way or another it can bring out the worst in them and not only. Faceable changed that, not completely but it made a pretty big impact. The fact that it expanded all over the internet at the point that you can connect to Faceable from most besides, made the internet a little more real, the anonymity not being such a big problem anymore. One of the questions that is on everybody mind is why and how is Faceable so popular and successful? When there were many other Sons that had almost the same idea before it and weren’t as close as huge. Sons are popular for a number of reasons and one of the most important one and actually the main one is the human need to socialize. people love to know things about each other, love to â€Å"stalk† their acquaintances, to look at pictures with them, to see what they like, where hey were what they did and in the same time they love to show other people things about themselves. People are so addicted to watching other people that they wake up looking at profiles of persons that they don’t even kn ow. They actually tend to use social networks to show who they are, but mostly the social profiles cannot really be trusted, because they don’t usually define a person. People put on their profiles what they want others to think about them, they choose the pictures that they want to show and so and, in the end, creating maybe a different virtual person. O, we can Say that Sons are popular because Of the need Of humans to gossip about relationships and the need to know everything about everybody. But why Faceable is so popular? Probably because it’s very easy to use, it’s accessible to everybody and it’s very simple. Everything is clear and it has all the necessary things that a Sons has, and even more. After it became popular, the reason why everybody created a profile was because all of their friends had one too. Faceable without people you know on it would be very boring, because that’s the main reason why we use it. Its not a dating site, ND it’s not a site where you go to meet new people, its a site were you go see your existing ones and connect with them. It’s very useful because it’s a great way to always keep in contact with people you know, even from the past. Another thing about Faceable†¦ Well, Faceable took stalking to a completely another lever. If you don’t have good intentions and you are searching on Faceable†¦ For example rapist or thieves, they are in the perfect place, just like a little kid in a pool of candy. If you are a regular F-casebook user or an addicted one which is worse, they know were you are, where you are going to events for example), what places do you like, who are your friends, when you are out of country and many more. All of this makes it easier for thieves, who can rob your home because they now you are not there and for creeps and rapist that can find you easily. No more old school stalking behind a wheel, now it’s behind a monitor. Faceable changes the way we socialize in a radical way. Before, when you met somebody you had to talk with that person for hours to know things about him/her, like what kind of movies does that person like, what sports he/her practice, who are their friends, ex legislations and so on, but now, they are at a click away, all this information. Now, most people when they meet somebody new, go after and check their profile and in a way or another think that they already know that person. I think this is not a good think, it influences alarm it makes face to face communication not so important anymore and supports the concerning problem of young people that have a problem of communicating â€Å"live?’, as in they are so used to typing and not talking that they find the second one as natural as the first. Yes, it’s the need to socialize, to communicate, to show strictures of us, to see pictures of others, to let everybody know what are you listening to, what are you doing at the moment, the need to see how many people like that you are in a certain place, or that you are eating soup. Like most things in life, it’s good, but not in a excessive way. As anything that people like, at some point it creates addiction. The question is, is Faceable a real addiction danger? A lot of people check their Faceable dozens of times a day and stay for hours and hours just checking profiles, posting things on their wall, looking at pictures and so on. I don’t say that having a Faceable ND spending some time on it it’s bad, but losing hours and hours of your life just studying what other people do its actually bad. But honestly, I don’t think it’s actually dangerous. In life, anything can be addictive, and accusing something Of being entertaining enough to become addictive its stupid and unnecessary. It’s the people who are the problem, when they feel the need to spend so much time on Faceable, not Passbook’s. As a conclusion, we can ask many questions. Why is Faceable so popular after all? Is Faceable a good thing? Does the internet becoming a concerning important part in our life? There are a lot of answers, but we have to admit that today, we can’t imagine a life without the internet and without social networks and this is a reality we have to accept. It’s an amazing thing what we can do today with all the technology and with everything that we can do online, the thing is that we don’t have to let it lose control. I think that with us spending so much time on the internet, we leave a lot of information about us there that can be easily traceable. Is that dangerous? It could be, but after all, how much is safe to share on Faceable? There are a lot of questions that we want to find answers o, and with time, we will find them. Faceable, from my point of view, it’s a good thing. How to cite An essay about a social world, Essays

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