Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Effectiveness of Vinegar as Battery - 852 Words
Republic of the Philippines Commission on Higher Education Pamantasan ng Cabuyao The Effectiveness of Vinegar as a Battery A Science Investigatory Project Presented to the Faculty of College of Business Administration and Accountancy In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements in NATSCI2 Balaoro, IkaClarish M. De Lemos, Kimberly Marie C. Elep, Jennifer Ibale, Alexandra E. Izar, Janine S. 2BSA-2 A.Y 2014 – 2015 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The world is blessed by the abundance of energy. It comprises various types of energy. One of this is electrical energy or electricity. Electricity is one of the most powerful forces in our lives. This term make us to remind of anything that we plug into an outlet in order to†¦show more content†¦A vinegar battery may not be as strong as other commercial batteries. However, it is safer than other batteries that do contain some harmful chemicals. It is based on electricity made from vinegar. This is something that seems like magic to most people, but is really simple science. Aside that this is cheaper than other batteries, it is environmental friendly because it doesn’t contain hazardous and toxic elements. We, the researchers, prioritize not only the discovery of the vinegar battery as an alternative source but also as renewable source of energy. This energy if guided correctly can power low amperage devices. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM General Objective: The main objective of this study is to show the effectiveness and usefulness of the vinegar battery in producing electrical energy. Specific Objective: 1. What is the purpose of using vinegar in this activity? 2. How is it possible to produce energy out of those substances? 3. How can vinegar battery be efficient as the source of electricity? Hypothesis 1. Vinegar serves as the source of electricity. 2. Vinegar, which is an acid, produces free ions in solution. These ions carry charges from one place to another, which is how current is carried. 3. The efficiency is based on the number of series of battery used. SIGNFICANCE OF THE STUDY Nowadays, many scientistsShow MoreRelatedPotential Of Coconut Water as Source of Electricity3520 Words  | 15 PagesChapter 1 The Problem and the Background of the Study A. Introduction One of the major problems in our country is energy shortage. There are many methods and proposals on how to conserve it such as the use of batteries. One of these is an electrolytic cell. It contains an electrolyte through which an externally generated electric current is passed by a system of electrodes (electrically positive electrode is called the anode and the negative electrode the cathode) in order to produce an electrochemicalRead MoreEssay on Wgu Int1 Task 33566 Words  | 15 Pagesgrime/grease, bathroom counter soap scum, car windshield and battery corrosion on a car battery and bathroom counter/sink). Each item will be cleaned with Pepsi and soap and water, with the soap brand of Palmolive dish detergent. The researcher/writer will compare the results between the Pepsi and Palmolive visibly as well as swabbing each cleaning surface with a specific number of Qtips following the cleaning process to determine the effectiveness. The results/ outcome of this project/experiment researchRead MoreInvestigatory Project3204 Words  | 13 PagesFactors affecting the growth of bacteria [Exp] 043. Factors affecting the growth of molds or yeast [Exp] 051. Experiment with Hydroponics (Use seedlings started from seed with three types of soil and different rates of fertilizer) [Exp] 071. The effectiveness of Antiseptics and soaps on household bacteria [Exp] 091. Comparing types of artificial light on plant growth [Exp] 101. Conditions necessary for the life of a brine shrimp [Exp] 121. Producing mutations in bacteria 122. Producing mutationsRead MoreComputer Shop Feasibility Study7370 Words  | 30 Pages48 @9.00  ± 432.00 y  Fish sauce, 48 @11.00 - 528.00 y  Vinegar in plastic park, 48 @4.50  ± 216.00 y  Soy sauce in plastic pack, 48 @6.00 - 288.00 y   Noodles in plastic cups, 30 @15.00 - 450.00 y  Candies, 300 @0 .50 - 150.00 y   Noodles (pancit canton), 72 @7.50 - 540.00 y   Noodles (soup), 72 @6.50 - 468.00 y  Tomato sauce, 20 @13.00 - 260.00 y  Meat loaf, 25 @55.00 - 1,375.00 y  Batteries (biq), 30 @25.00  ± 750.00 y  Batteries (small), 30 @ 11.00 - 330 00 y  Diaper Subtotal, 60 @6.00
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